For one thing, “qi” is a word, and words are always a problem. Moreover, Qi is a Chinese word, and Chinese words are nothing but trouble. I sometimes think that if you don’t speak Chinese, you really have no business using Chinese words. They never mean what you think they mean...
As we move from summer, through late summer to the fall, our body is moving through very dynamic changes. Here are some ways to ground and support the Spleen and Stomach which governs these transitions. Read more 25 Jul:Tuning into Your Environment ...
Your spleen's main function isto act as a filter for your blood. It recognizes and removes old, malformed, or damaged red blood cells. When blood flows into your spleen, your spleen performs "quality control"; your red blood cells must pass through a maze of narrow passages. How do you...
4 n.the spleen-qi pí qi bù shū 脾气不舒 depression of the spleen-qi pí qi xū 脾气虚 insufficiency of the spleen-qi pí qi xià xiàn 脾气下陷 collapse of the spleen-qi Word usage common measure word "脾气" is often matched with measure word "种". 一种脾气 one kind of temper ...
Heart & Lung-Qi Stagnation Mu Xiang Liu Qi Yin, Ban Xia Hou Po Tang Be Happy® + At Ease + Nano Vita® Water Heart & Lung-Qi Stagnation Ban Xia Hou Po Tang, Si Qi Tang Be Happy® + At Ease + Nano Vita® Water Heart & Spleen Deficiency Gui Pi Tang, Yang Xin Tang, ...
it is believed to have functions such as invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen, nourishing the kidneys and calming the mind, dispelling wind and dampness, strengthening bones and tendons, promoting blood circulation, replenishing the center and benefiting essence, enhancing intellectual capacity, ...
Lion’s mane has a rich history in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where it was revered for bolstering the health of all five internal organs: liver, spleen, lung, heart, and kidney. TCM practitioners also valued it for its ability to stimulate the Qi, or “life force.” ...
2. Five zang organs Main functions Spleen The spleen rules transformation and transportation, it is traditionally referred to as the “foundation of post-natal existence; it rules the raising of the pure, and governs the blood." Liver The liver is closely connected with the blood and tempers ...
寒HAN LU露“九月节,露气寒冷,将凝结也。”寒露是二十四节气之第十七个节气,秋季的第五个节气。在每年公历10月7日-9日交节,作为凉爽到寒冷的递进。进入寒露,时有冷空气南下,昼夜温差较大,并且秋燥明显。寒露时节气温比白露时更低,地面的露水更冷,...
Traditional Chinese medicine doctors also frequently urge people to eat more seasonal foods and avoid off-season vegetables and fruits. According to the “Canon,” that is the way to make one’s body correspond to the qi of different seasons. ...