No matter how broken you feel, within you is something unique. Your spiritual gift may be service or mercy, but only you have a perspective that’s particular to your life experience. Find out why your heart is always pulled in a certain direction. God needs you to do the work of His...
It is through grace that we receive forgiveness, salvation, and spiritual blessings. For example, Ephesians 2:8 tells us, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith.” Grace is about God’s generosity, offering us gifts that we could never earn on our own. Mercy, on the...
Spiritual gifts are something every believer is given when they receive the gift of salvation. Just as the gift of salvation is by grace through faith, so are the spiritual gifts. Our God is so generous. He is constantly giving us things.
Spiritual Gifts. As believers, we were given special abilities called spiritual gifts when the Holy Spirit of God entered us. Each of us, however, as created by God to be unique individuals, have different gifts. Identifying your spiritual gifts and understanding them is key to learning where ...
Obviously, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are part of what Our Lord has commanded us, so a parish must teach us to do those things too. But these works flow from things even more fundamental: our belief in Jesus Christ as our God and Savior, and the charity for one another...
Salvation in Christ is meant to change this relationship so that I become spiritual and heavenly instead of soulish and earthly. 在基督里的救恩就是要改变这种关系,使我成为属灵属天的人,而不是属魂属地的人。 The result is a life of faith instead of a life according to my human understanding....
Salvation in Christ is meant to change this relationship so that I become spiritual and heavenly instead of soulish and earthly. 在基督里的救恩就是要改变这种关系,使我成为属灵属天的人,而不是属魂属地的人。 The result is a life of faith instead of a life according to my human understanding....
Since Chicago is new to this game I should note that there are certain traditions involved in these kinds of occasions. 既然芝加哥大学对于“正常”的毕业致辞还不熟悉,我需要指出在这种场合下一般有的传统元素。 At occasions like this major universities ask a person who has achieved a fantastic career...
The wardress is a sadistic lesbian without mercy or humanity. Upon her arrival Maria is taken to a special section for mentally disturbed prisoners where torture and rape are part of the day-to-day reality. One day the Regional Governor arrives, claiming to have received a letter from one ...
The 4Spiritual Secrets has brought me to my senses. GOD CREATED US TO GLORIFY AND ENJOY HIM ALL THE REST IT COMES & GO. BUT WE WILL BE ENJOYING GOD & GLORIFYING HIM FOR EVER…….. Its a feeling you know that when you let him work in you so that you can work can work for him...