As shown in the figure below, the source of spiritual leadership is an inner life or spiritual practice, such as spending time in nature, prayer, religious practice, meditation, reading, yoga, or writing in a journal. An inner life practice positively influences spiritual leadership through the ...
What does it mean to say that a leader is effective? What makes a leader effective? Explain how power can be both beneficial and detrimental to an organization. Play is powerful. What are the benefits of play? Define and explain the following dimension of health: spiritual health. ...
What is a business entity? What is a certificate of organization? What is a business cooperative? What does an organizational chart illustrate? What are the characteristics of a spiritual organization? What is monolithic pricing? What is a wholly owned subsidiary?
(This is one of the reasons why you will find leadership articles here on this website which is dedicated to inducing consciousness in the areas of personal development, self improvement and spirituality). Leadership Definition: What Is Leadership? Let's Define Leadership What Is Leadership: A Fe...
His personal power definition is: “The ability of strength possessed by the human individual, by which he does, or may, accomplish desired results in an efficient manner, along the lines of physical, mental, and spiritual effort and endeavor.” Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya Roman...
What is personhood? By: Tom Scheve A small person Philosophy, religion, law, the sciences and even business have all explored the question of personhood. While the definition of "person" may seem like the stuff of armchair theology, it has a range of real-world ...
we knew that the only way we could improve health holistically is by first addressing mental health. Mental health impacts physical health. It impacts social health. It impacts spiritual health. You can’t have good overall health without good mental health. So we felt that toadd years to lif...
Historically,the Enneagram has been usedfor personal and spiritual growth, but in recent years it has become a powerful tool for teams and professional development. Understanding yourself through the lens of the Enneagram can help with conflict resolution, team dynamics, leadership and emotional intelli...
spiritual Christmas. If you’re a Christian, you know what I mean. We recognize that Christmas is, most of all, a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s a holiday that focuses on the meaning of the Incarnation. Yet, given the secular traditions of Christmas, we spend most of ...
Definition and Origin: Servant leadership is a leadership style and philosophy introduced by researcher Robert K. Greenleaf in a 1970 essay titled “The Servant As Leader.” It focuses on prioritizing the needs,growth, and well-being of subordinates over the leader’s own interests. ...