It is important to note that the definition of spiritual health can change greatly over the course of any one individual’s lifetime. For example, a woman aged 20 might use yoga to maintain her spiritual health, and then use meditation or chanting to foster her physical health during her 30...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about mental health and mental illness.
(2016). What is the meaning of spiritual health among older adults? A concept analysis. Educational Gerontology: Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 795-808. doi: 10.1080/03601277.2016.1205349doi:10.1080/03601277.2016.1205349Hosein Ajam ZibadFarahnaz Mohammadi Shahboulaghi...
The Saint Bypass is a reflection of extreme“black or white” thinking, promoting the underlying belief that spiritual people can’t have dark sides because that would make them “unspiritual.” This type of spiritual bypass is essentially avoidance of one’sShadow Self(dark side) by overcompens...
What does it mean to say that a leader is effective? What makes a leader effective? Explain how power can be both beneficial and detrimental to an organization. Play is powerful. What are the benefits of play? Define and explain the following dimension of health: spiritual health. ...
jīngshén jiànkāng Main English Definitionmentalhealth Simplified Script精神健康 Traditional ScriptSame Pinyinjīngshén jiànkāng Effective Pinyin (After Tone Sandhi)Same Zhuyin (Bopomofo)ㄐㄧㄥㄕㄣˊ ㄐㄧㄢˋㄎㄤ Cantonese(Jyutping)zing1san4gin6hong1 ...
Anyone can practice and benefit from mindfulness — no matter your religion, denomination, or whether you’re an atheist, agnostic, or practitioner of another spiritual doctrine. Mindfulness is simply a way of being. Still, if you want to understand how mindfulness came to the Western world, we...
Where I am going with this is that every aspect of our health is connected and important. I’m not saying go out and change everything at once, but starting small, with some easy tips for your spiritual fitness routine can really benefit your life. ...
OurGoal Tracker Worksheetcan help you get your relational and spiritual priorities in line with the time you have and organize your life to see where you may be overcommitted and where you can schedule some fun time! It’ll also help you get your goals in writing. Seeing your goals in bl...
( Milgram and Kishino, 1994 ; Sherman and Craig, 2003 ) By definition then, reality is a floating term inside virtual environments. As Margaret Wertheim points out, virtual cyberspace may feel like a new concept but its conception has been framed by thousands of years of spiritual and ...