What’s wrong?Is anything wrong? 出什么事了?万能句型,不管朋友是遇到烦心事了,还是身体不舒服,都可以拿来用。感觉小伙伴有心事,你还可以这样问:Is something bothering / troubling you? 你有什么烦心事吗?Do you have something on your mind? 你担心什么呢?Are you OK / all right? 你还好吧?当...
2、what's your age?第二种方式也是直接问“你的年龄是多少?”,它其实和第一种问法差不多,如果你觉得这样不礼貌的话,可以用其他委婉的方式来问,比如:Would you mind telling me your age?用“Would”来询问,语气比较温和,更容易让别人接受。3、How many years from your birth until now ?这句话...
his mentor is Tony Stark, Iron Man. But in Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man, Norman Osborn, also known as super-villain Green Goblin, takes on that role. It’s an intriguing premise that plays out in a fun
Getting a tattoo is a time-honored way to immortalize a loved one lost, a seminal life experience, or a current obsession, and the latter is almost always a terrible, horrible mistake. Cruelly celebrating that fact, here's the classic "I got a tattoo ...
39,039 17.1k Instagram: @og_shankster LocationAround Handicap:5 Joined Mar 2017 Posted July 16, 2021 Anyone that enjoys teeing up is a golfer. I have my own opinions on certain things that I would consider a true golfer, but to save a long drawn our argument I will keep th...
The key bed bug bite symptom to look for is a red, raised bump, says Gibb, similar in appearance to a spider or mosquito bite. But what sets bed bugs apart from other insects is that oftentimes, their bites will present in a line or cluster on one part or side of your body. This...
Hey Guys...long time lurker but never introduced myself. Greetings from Middle Tennessee. 26 year Veteran of the U.S. Army. Still in for at least 4 more years. Obsessed with golf. I'm one of those guys that can talk equipment, physics, launch angles, he
Spider-Man most of us know best, his mentor is Tony Stark, Iron Man. But in Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man, Norman Osborn, also known as super-villain Green Goblin, takes on that role. It’s an intriguing premise that plays out in a fun, 10-episode ride that’s worth taking....
Spider-Man most of us know best, his mentor is Tony Stark, Iron Man. But in Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man, Norman Osborn, also known as super-villain Green Goblin, takes on that role. It’s an intriguing premise that plays out in a fun, 10-episode ride that’s worth taking....