One of the benefits of using Spectrum Mobile is connecting to Spectrum WiFi hotspots instead of using your data plan. While this isn’t a huge issue with the Unlimited Plan, it is a major upside to using a pay per GB plan on Spectrum Mobile. You can find Spectrum WiFi around the coun...
Spectrum monitoring is another important frequency-domain measurement activity. Government regulatory agencies allocate different frequencies for various radio services, such as broadcast television and radio, mobile phone systems, police and emergency communications, and a host of other applications. It is ...
A spectrum analyzer is a device that measures and displayssignalamplitude (strength) as it varies by frequency within its frequency range (spectrum). The frequency appears on the horizontal (X) axis, and the amplitude is displayed on the vertical (Y) axis. It looks like anoscilloscope, and i...
Mobile app security defined App security types Security threats Best practices What is mobile app security? Mobile app security involves securing iOS and Android applications from attacks by threat actors as well as detecting potential vulnerabilities within the app during development and in real-...
What is the role of the network in IoT? The network that connects IoT devices is the key to making IoT work effectively. It must be able to provide the required connectivity for a diverse set of devices, as well as the required bandwidth, scale, security, and flexibility of deployment. ...
Fundamentally, however,they’re still different, with eCommerce means Internet Commerce—Commerce over the Internet. To put it in perspective, eCommerce is like aspectrum of meansfor commercial transactions over the Internet and mCommerce an (increasingly) large part of which. Oftentimes, these two...
Techopedia Explains Wireless Spectrum The wireless technology boom has created divisions in spectrum allocation. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) divides the world into three different regions that influence wireless signal propagation: Region 1 : Europe, Africa, parts of the Middle East ...
Dynamic Spectrum Sharing: 5G can dynamically share spectrum with existing 4G networks, ensuring a smooth transition to the new technology. These characteristics collectively make 5G a transformative technology that opens up opportunities for various industries and applications, from healthcare and smart cit...
Optimizing WiFi Spectrum and Capacity Ensuring Security in WiFi Networks Why Choose Axiros for WiFi Optimization and Troubleshooting? Carrier-grade WiFi Networks Carrier-Grade WiFi in the Era of IoT and 5G With the rapid adoption of IoT and 5G, the demand for carrier-grade WiFi is increasing...
Mid-band 5G spectrum is regarded as 5G’s ‘backbone’, combining a favorable combination of good propagation characteristics (coverage) and wider bandwidths (capacity). This includes existing 3G/4G bands, as well as new spectrum licensed for mobile services. ...