I think Dragon Dance is too strong for a CAP with this much going for it--great offensive typing and a top tier ability--but I think that giving it a way to boost is more often than not an interesting dynamic for a Poison Heal Pokemon. I'm personally interest...
However, it still hates Stealth Rock, and is very frail so it'll get revenge killed easily. At first I thought Mega Absol would be an interesting anti-hazard Pokemon, but then I looked at it and yeah this thing is as frail as Espeon. It could be neat as an anti-offense Pokemon but...
So, in short, what formulas do some of you guys use? Here's an overview of a few formulas: a*p-d The above is the default RPG maker formula. a here is the relevant attacking stat of the attacker. p is the value that makes the power of each attack fluctuate d being the relevant ...
SpD: 85 Spe: 70 BST: 500 PS: 61.27 SS: 93.78 PT: 104.21 ST: 99.93 BSR: 497.55 This is an Esper Wing + Torch Song spread! Not sure if it actually would work in practice, but having two boosting attacking moves sounds like a fun time! I think the Speed and ...
Kingambit, one of the most significant pokemon in the tier, is one of the rare few that resist our STAB combination (as well as, funnily enough, our upcoming Electric/Normal wall), and Gambit has super-effective priority into us. We also get hit pretty hard by...
Actually Donphan is one of the best pokemon in the actual format of national dex uu. It offers the team a solid hazard setter and an incredible hazard removal with Rapid Spin, making Donphan the best role compression in the metagame. On top of that it also has access to 2 of ...
Klefki is great for paralyzing other Pokemon and this helps Serene Grace Togekiss with para-flinching. It also helps sweepers and cleaners in setting up dual screens. Foul Play is for physical attackers trying to set up. Mega Diancie is great as a Flying and Fire (and Steel) check due ...
but the question is, what's my last? you have until the 1st of july to post your thoughts. in other news, confluxx has won a week 3 times so far, well done to them. after looking at their submissions and the team, i realised that the pokemon i leave out are often easy to ...
Jolteon has the fastest speed, but Raikou can still come in anytime and Roar. Espeon is scary and can pack a Hidden Power for some stuff (Water hits the PHazers that resist or are immune to Physic), but Umbreon walls it and will just Amnesia as well. Despite the SpD dro...
Quagsire is only 1 pokemon, although I am less convinced that it is broken looking at the amount of walls that get will-o-wisp now. Garchomp: I forgot that it gets adaptability from mega lucario, that makes it even more broken lol. Now almost every wall in the game gets ohko'd...