Rap)、南部说唱乐(Southern Rap)、流行说唱乐(Pop Rap)、老派说唱乐(Old Schold)、中西部说唱乐(Midwest Rap)、拉丁说唱(Latin Rap)、硬核说唱(Hardcore Rap)、黑帮说唱(Gangsta Rap)、外来说唱乐(Foreign Rap)、东海岸说唱乐(East Coast Rap)、过渡说唱乐(Crossover Rap)、喜剧说唱乐(Comedy Rap)、基督教...
NRAP Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary13,816,857,082visits served TheFreeDictionary Google ? Keyboard Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text EnglishEspañolDeutschFrançaisItalianoالعربية中文简体PolskiPortuguêsNederlandsNorskΕλληνικήРусс...
italian southern and italictype italienerin italiyashanghaicoltd italmatic italy davinci italy in my hearts italy n itanomine itapecerica itaprica i itapu itar-tass ue itart itawamba county itayanagi itazuke afb itb berlin itcnv cassolnovo itdi ite cement ite internal terminal itelmen item elemen...
Atop a buzzing sample of Monk Higgins' 1968 "I Believe to My Soul" cover, Lamar delivers slick wordplay and calls out Drake's presumed cultural appropriation of Southern rap: "You run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars/ No, you not a colleague, you a f—in' colonizer."...
What else do you think is worth mentioning that may actually come up on this list of people's lasting impression of Taiwan? Well, people were friendly and helpful. I mean, at that point, it wasn't really, like, you know, it wasn't really more than anywhere else. I didn't feel lik...
(East West, 2000) One album removed from what is inarguably Pantera’s heaviest record, The Great Southern Trendkill, it felt like the Texas groove hounds couldn’t possibly continue their streak of getting heavier with each release. Rather than reinvent the wheel, Reinventing the Steel was the...
Phonk music is a subgenre of funk that emerged during the early 1990s’ southernUnited States. Combining elements of old-school hip-hop, Memphis rap beats, and chopped and screwed soundscapes characterized by hypnotic melodies, heavy basslines, reverb, distortion effects and nostalgic samples; Phonk...
Documenting the Haydenshapes team’s journey to the Mentawais. Featuring Craig Anderson, Dion Agius, Riku Matsumoto, and more. 3 days ago 26:51 Originals Corey Colapinto surfing an experimental 9'6 Gunny Fishy Noserider in Southern California. 4 days ago 5:34 Clip of the Day Log Rap presents...
producedinornearJingdezheninsouthernChina. Jingdezhenhasproducedporcelain1. (century)ago.Andthetown2. wasnamed JingdezhenbyEmperorZhenzongoftheNorthern SongDynastybecameamajorkiln(窑)sitearound 1004.Duringtheperiod,the3. (produce)ofporcelaininthisareafirstbecame4. (know).Bythe14thcenturyithadbecome thelarg...
Atop a buzzing sample of Monk Higgins' 1968 "I Believe to My Soul" cover, Lamar delivers slick wordplay and calls out Drake's presumed cultural appropriation of Southern rap: "You run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars/ No, you not a colleague, you a f—in' colonizer." ...