Methodists are among the “mainline” Protestants, including Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Congregationalists and certain sects of Lutherans and Baptists, among others. Their beliefs are in contrast to those of evangelicals and fundamentalists like the Southern Baptists. Mainline theology is more liber...
My name is Dan Hull. I practice law to (1) make money, (2) ensure that every day will be different than the one before, (3) use everything I have practicing law so I can feel alive, (4) serve sophisticated purchasers of legal services who "get it"--corporate clients with in-...
What is evangelical theology? What is Baptist theology? What is Christian legalism? What is Dianic Wicca? What is the Holy Trinity in the Catholic church? What religion mixes Catholicism with Indigenous and African beliefs? What is tribal theology?
While HECVAT is a great security assessment template, it doesn't form a complete vendor risk management program. HECVAT is a point-in-time assessment that is static and subjective. It doesn't account for the changes that can occur after you receive the complete security assessment from a ven...
This is how we “build” the Kingdom of God. It probably isn't the best witness to yell or ridicule the beliefs of devout Catholics. Instead, let’s focus on four things that Protestants and Catholics have in common: 1. We believe that Christ died for the sins of humanity. 2. We ...
What is federal theology? What is Bethel Church theology? Who is the father of theology? What denominations teach replacement theology? What is Oneness Pentecostal theology? What is Southern Baptist theology? What are the branches of theology?
St. Paul is speaking of the day of judgment. He is telling the Corinthians that some of their works will be burned up, but they will still be saved. He is speaking about purgatory. God has called us to enter into His life as His children. As the blood bought children of the living...
What are the main beliefs of Anabaptists? Anabaptists are Christians whobelieve in delaying baptism until the candidate confesses his or her faith in Christ, as opposed to being baptized as an infant. The Amish, Hutterites, and Mennonites are direct descendants of the movement. ...
He says, “If something is worth believing in…a political, religious or humanitarian position…surely it should withstand rigorous examination from a rational, educated observer with critical thinking.” He goes on to say, “If you are unwilling to question your own beliefs and just accept them...
Westside Community Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. The Baptist Faith and Message is a detailed explanation of the biblical beliefs held by Southern Baptists. Our Senior Pastor and Elders are always available to answer any questions you might have about these statements. Ea...