•Reach the moon: The probe goes to the moon and splits(分离) into two parts — an orbiter and a lander. The orbiter stays in space, and the lander touches down on the moon. •Land and collect: Once landed in the South Pole-Aitken basin, it uses tools to pick up stones and ...
not the least of which is trying to pinpoint the Moon's age.We could do this, in theory, by studying an enormous impact crater known as the South Pole–Aitken Basin.Ah, it's located in the Moon's south polar region.But, since it's on the far side of the Moon, it can be seen...
and the tilt of the moon's axis produces yet another interesting phenomenon: patches of the lunar surface that are really, truly, perpetually dark: nasa/gsfc/arizona state university the image above is an illumination map of the moon's south pole. it's a composite image built up from more...
The near side of the moon. ### 第二题 文章中没有提供足够的信息来确定嫦娥六号到达月球需要的时间。 ### 第三题 B.①③ ### 第四题 B. The South Pole-Aitken basin is the place where Chang'e 6 lands. 答案解析: 第一题: 嫦娥五号访问了月球的近侧。虽然文章没有明确说明,但根据已知信息,...
"It is incumbent on us to get there first," he said.Image: Pic: NASA So why is everyone so desperate to reach a side of the moon we can't even see? Simply put, it's about water. Ever since India discovered there might be ice in the moon's sout...
The Chang’e 6 mission to the moon will take 53 days. During this time, the probe will go into orbit (轨道) around the moon and land in a place called the South Pole-Aitken Basin. It is a huge crater (撞击坑) on the far side of the moon. There, it will collect up to 2 kilo...
At around 02:45 UT today, the centre of the 69%-lit waxing gibbous Moon sits 4.8° north of mag. –2.3 Jupiter as both objects approach the northwest horizon. Saturday 8 February Callisto sits 3 arcseconds south of Jupiter’s southern pole at 19:08 UT. Although hard to observe in dayl...
The moon may seem like a cold, lifeless rock. But how cold does it actually get on the lunar surface? What is the temperature of the moon? Actually, it's not that cold — at least, not all the time. As on Earth, the temperature of the moon's surface changes depending on whether ...
During this time, th e prob e will go into orbit(轨道) around th e moon and land in a plac e called th e South Pole-Aitken Basin. It is a hug e crater(击坑) on th e far sid e of th e moon.There, it will collect up to 2 kilograms of ston e and soil to bring back ...
Polaris, or the North Star, is the brightest star in the Little Dipper. Like many stars, Polaris is part of a...