(testing MM5 with crossover ATM and it is promising till native MM gets available) and server (I hope MMS will replace that eventually) I use Kodi, On NAS for now nothing, but for Organize I only use Sonarr and Radarr for video files, but accessing files directly over LAN Shared ...
usenet-docker Docker-compose configuration for Sabnzbd, CouchPotato, Plex, Sonarr, Plexpy, Nzbhydra, Muximux, Radarr, NZBGet and Ombi with a Nginx proxy. DockSTARTer DockSTARTer helps you get started with home server apps running in Docker. OpenFLIXR OpenFLIXR Media Server is an all-in-one me...
Virtualized Apps are harder to find and it takes more time to install and run themContainerized apps such as SickBeard, Sonarr, CouchPotato etc. can be found and installed easily within minutes Docker contains apps; VMs contain OSes
I use Radarr, Sonarr, and Prowlarr … so things are automatically downloading from Usenet quite often and NZBClient is great to check on downloads every so often while I’m not near my desktop. First person I seen on here that uses that! Awesome. Reactions: Skeptical.me Ske...
Building the ultimate media server with Plex, Sonarr, Radar, and SABnzbd in Docker It’s time to take control of your digital entertainment hub. In this guide, I’ll walk you through setting up a robust media server combining Plex for media hosting, Sonarr and Radar for content management,...