Scientists must know how complete the record is in order to find out how long the extinction of dinosaurs took. To use the movie example, it's like trying to find how much time has passed since an event (like a murder) occurred. If all of the frames are present, we know the amount...
more: you'd just join the atoms together in different ways. Atoms are the tiny building blocks from which everything around us is constructed. It's amazing to think you can make anything out of atoms, from a snake to an ocean liner—but it's absolutely true! Let's take a closer ...
When chickens eat food, it passes through their digestive system and is broken down into nutrients that can be used by their body. The waste products from this process, both solid feces and liquid urine, are mixed in the cloaca, and exited through the vent. ...
snake head fish, so the meat is firm and chewy. Pieces of fish chopped moderately, when ripe yellow slightly curly. Crispy at the surface but soft in the middle, marinated
1.Focusattentiononthepicture.Askstudentstotellwhattheysee.Nameeachactivityandaskstudentstorepeat:didmyhomework,wenttothecinema,wentboating,campedbythelake,wenttothebeach,playedbadminton. 2.Pointoutthenumberedlistofactivities.Sayeachoneagainandaskstudentstorepeat. ...