图书馆借书看也有它的好处:读得快(不用像PDF总是标注记笔记)+ 最后能产出一个综合的整体的简略的笔记(不像PDF都是零散的标注)第一章:introduction1. Cultural sociology = focus onthe process of meaning-making 本书的文化定义2. Three lenses of meaning-making [!!!第2、3、4章的内容]:a. Signs (cul...
What is psychology? Psychology can be defined as the science that studies the behaviour of man and animals or, more simply, the scientific study of behaviour. An alternative to this definition refers to psychology as the scientific study of ‘behaviour and experience’. This is preferred by some...
Dr. Martin J. Kraemer discusses learning from The Word Economics Forum Cybersecurity Outlook 2025 report Last year, the British multinational ... All Social Engineering Posts Get the latest insights, trends and security news. Subscribe to CyberheistNews....
Public debate over environmental issues has become a battle to define what is fair. For the most part, none of the competing positions claims to be ruled principally by self-interest. And, although the economic literature on methods for allocating natura
The rule is Think Before You Click. Social engineering attacks The technical director of Symantec Security Response said that bad guys are generally not trying to exploit technical vulnerabilities in Windows. They are going after you instead. “You don’t need as many technical skills to find ...
(T)--- Feeling (F) Judging (J) --- Perceiving (P) Both are used by everyone , but one is usually preferred and better developed than the other. Personality influences the experience of emotionally significant situations and individuals vary in the manner that they relate to, or infer ...
the social and economic context, the topics addressed, the type of training, the promoter, the objectives to be achieved with the implementation of the MOOC, among others, are absolutely central aspects that determine the evaluation model of MOOC. It is also important to mention that MOOCs are...
Social engineering.Persuasion through psychology is used to gain a target's trust, causing them to lower their guard and take unsafe action such as divulging personal information. Extortion.Threatening or intimidating action is used to obtain monetary or other financial gain, commonly used in vishing...
Research shows that restorative justice “can be successful in schoolsbecause it creates interactional patterns that produce positive social-emotional outcomes like group solidarity and individual emotional energy. The social-emotional outcomes have implications for both individual students and entire school co...
The second phenomenon is more one of social psychology. Mindfulness is the case in point. It teaches that preoccupation with what might become a deterministic tomorrow needs to be abandoned in place of a total non-judgmental preoccupation with the present. ...