Poverty & social inequalityis the third most pressing global worry according to our survey: 29% overall select this. Russia continues to be the country most concerned (51%), followed by Chile (45%) and Hungary (42%) – this order keeping in line with previous months. Again, a significant...
In collaboration with Amazon Prime’s series Gen V, Opera GX announces “V”, a unique in-world social network. Categories: News Opera GX Tags: news Opera Opera GX Opera Ads is awarded TAG Brand Safety Certified and Certified Against Fraud seals September 20, 2023 Opera announces that its...
Thus, acquiring scientific insights into the drivers of tourist pro-environmental behavior (PEB) is essential for fostering sustainable tourism destinations. Drawing upon the protection motivation theory (PMT), this study investigates PEB-related variables among domestic travelers in Uzbekistan. Statistical ...
The most common difference between the two is a higher iron concentration in the Afghan samples when compared to Colombian. On the other hand, the iron content of the Afghan emeralds was still much smaller than that found in those mined in Zambia, Brazil, and Russia, among others...
In Rwanda, only 20% of sexually active unmarried young women use family planning as compared to 64% of married women. Adolescence is an important time of growth and development that often includes the initiation of sexual activity. Sexually active adoles
New Ipsos research explores what sports and sports fandom looks like in America today and how controversies in sports can reflect a broader political and social divide in American society.
In collaboration with Amazon Prime’s series Gen V, Opera GX announces “V”, a unique in-world social network. Categories: News Opera GX Tags: news Opera Opera GX Opera Ads is awarded TAG Brand Safety Certified and Certified Against Fraud seals September 20, 2023 Opera announces that its...
It sounds like an AI generated story, but this is true. BB: It does sound like an AI generated story, but keep going. JB: Right. It doesn’t even sound real, but that’s what happened. So I was in Lusaka, Zambia and inspired by some of the work I had done with The Cart...
Social challenges The San suffer to a disproportionate extent from substance abuse, joblessness and broken families, for instance families in which one or even both parents died prematurely. Common personal traits The San are widely known to be shy, reticent and non-assertive. This trait is also...
Elsewhere, in sub-Saharan African countries such as Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, and Zambia, the first line of treatment for 60% of the children with malarial related high fevers, is the use of home-based TMs [20]. Following the Alma Atta declaration in 1978, the WHO recommended the inclusion ...