schools would be required to promoteFundamental British Values(FBV) from September 2014. Page 2. • In November 2014, the Department for Education (DfE) produced non-statutory guidance on how schools should promote FBV through Spritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of the curriculum (SMSC...
A type of education that is concerned with various groups in society that are victims of discrimination and assaults because of their unique cultural characteristics (ethnic, racial, linguistic, gender, etc.); it includes studying such key concepts as prejudice, identity, conflicts, and alienation,...
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Integrating emotions and rationalities for the development of competence in active learning methodologies More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ SMS2R SMS2RT SMS4DC SMSA SMSAC SMSAH SMSAI SMSAR SMSB SMSBF SMSBP SMSC SMSCB SMSCC SMSCE SMSCEMI SMSCG SMSCP SMSCRC SMSCT SMSD SMSDC SMSDI ...