What is an SMK file? Video, animation, or sound file compressed using RAD Game Tool's Smacker compressor; supports video clips with 256 colors and transparency; often used for creating movies for video games with reduced file sizes. More Information ...
Users of models and simulations are very familiar with catchphrases like “all models are wrong, but some are useful” or the much more cynical (or ignorant) “garbage in, garbage out”; or the very dangerous attitude that “if the mathematics is correct, then the models can’t be that ...
Wario used his Faustian sorcery to take over theSuper Mario Landseries and make it his own Heck, Wario was such a renegade that he appeared in what is considered by many to be the only good Virtual Boy game! Well, let’s fast-forward from 1995 to 1998. Take a look at this: “Mario...
Please note that we stated that "a Multi-Member LLC is taxed like a Partnership." This terminology for LLCs and taxation might be perplexing, as some people mistakenly believe their LLC is a partnership. In the legal context, your LLC is not a partnership (it is simply treated as such f...