SMH is short for “shaking my head”, an expression widely used in texting, on social networking sites, and on internet chatrooms. It refers to an expression or urban lingo that people use when they encounter something absurd or stupid that they cannot come up with the right words to descr...
Standing for shaking my head, SMH is an internet slang initialism variously used to convey disappointment, disapproval, frustration, or impatience.
Unsure what "smh" means in a text message you just got? We're here to tell you what those three little letters actually mean.
“shaking my head”. Example from the screenshot above: in full English, the sentence would read, “Shaking my head. I will get on your case.” Using the abbreviation instead, it is written as “SMH. I will get on your case.” ...
4] SMH – Shaking My Head Shake my head or Shaking my head is commonly used to express disbelief, embarrassment, shock, disgust, or disappointment. For example, if you are walking around and you hear someone say, ‘I haven’t taken a bath in six days, you will turn your head in disg...
SMHWT stands for "shaking my head with a tune." This expansion ofSMHimplies that a person is so happy about something, they're hearing music. For example, if yourBFFgot accepted to grad school, they might text you "SMHWT, can't believe it!" This means your BFF is so excited that ...
or just general disappointment for hostile or aggressive behavior on the Internet. SMH is one of those expressions that can be used in many ways by the many millions of users who utilize chat or Internet slang on social media, in chat rooms, and text messaging for mobile devices and elsewher...
What are examples of slang? Examples of slang include “word” (an acknowledgment), “sus” (short for suspicious), and “SMH” (internet slang for “shaking my head”). Slang words are constantly changing, with new words and phrases being coined regularly....
What does SMH mean in text? CHECK THESE OUT. More. SMH. Stands forShaking My Headwhen you are obviously disgusted by something. What does o mean in Minecraft? \O means "Waving." What does OB mean in Minecraft? 21. 24. If you didn't know, (which is fine) OB stands fororiginal ba...
In some cases, the letters "SMH" in a text message are meant to stand for "Smack My Head." A person will write "SMH" to indicate that she is feeling so irritated or disappointed by something that someone has done or said, that the only response is to smack her head in irritation or...