there is some ambiguity in the use of this abbreviation. SMH can be used to signal disgust for stupid behavior, or just general disappointment for hostile or aggressive behavior on the Internet. SMH is one of those expressions that can be used in many ways by the many ...
MRW is a textspeak acronym used on the internet, often in conjunction with an image or GIF, that means my reaction when.Related words:MFW d’fuq SMHExamples of MRW MRW he donates money to Doug Jones but voted to financially eviscerate the poor and middle class. @preciosatt, December, ...
Chatspeak as a Function of Language Chatspeak includes intialisms and acronyms, which are important to distinguish when pronouncing the terms out loud. Initialisms are pronounced by saying each letter individually, whereas acronyms are pronounced like words. For example, SMH is an initialism and pro...
The slang form of “lit” is American slang that conveys something exciting, high-energy, or amazing. In the UK, “chuffed” is slang for delight. Similarly, internet culture created the slang term “meme” to describe a (typically funny) image, text, or video that follows a particular fo...
“Story of my life” can also be abbreviated SOML, and according to Urban Dictionary, is used when a negative thing happens to someone, especially if said thing happens often, like getting a parking ticket or burning breakfast. SML also has a variety of other textspeak or chat speak meaning...
Today, I feel totally fine calling myself a single mom: I float my family financially and am the primary caretaker of my kids. If my ex's situation were different he would gladly participate in a different way, and he very well may in the future. My status (and yes this is all abou...
As the texters say SMH.Josh Schneyer, Santa Barbara, CA I just read your article on Hitlers secret artic fortress written in 2017. You do a great job of taking apart their logic or lack thereof. Keep up the great articles.Sam Westcott, Michigan...
For example, I might say I could only shake my head at his arrogance. This means that I couldn’t believe that he had said or done something so arrogant. In a text, email or social media post, you can simply type SMH. Bu...
BHT or butyl hydroxytoluene is primarily used to prevent fats in foods from becoming rancid. It is also used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, jet fuels, rubber, petroleum products, electrical transformer oil, and embalming fluid. Sure sounds strange that BHT is something that’s used to preserve fo...
Da-Hae’s text messages crowd Ki-Woo’s screen -- / SMH Da-Song’s crazy raindance / I hate my brother / Totes saw this coming. Started losing his shit at camp / LMAO / I miss you / Me too / Selfie please / No / Why noooooooot / I’m with you right now Da-Hae ...