SMH will sometimes be typed as SMFH, which means “shaking my f*cking head” or SMMFH which means “shaking my mother-f*king head”. Obviously these variations of the original SMH expression may offend some people and so many stick to the more generic SMH. A little less offensive is ...
SMHis also intensified, most commonly assmdh(shaking my damn head) but alsosmfh(shaking my fucking head), andsmmfh(shaking my motherfucking head). Less often,SMHwill stand forso much hate, showing or commenting on disdain, or scratching my head, used for puzzlement. The internet slang is...
Nearly four out of 10 SMFs (Single Mobile Females) have suffered from "text shame" - sending a text message and then regretting it the next morning. Dad sees red - $754 - over texting teen More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ SMFC SMFCU SMFD SMFE SMFF SMFFPD SMFG SMFH SMFHS ...
Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a chance of getting. about the size of it Definitions include: a good estimate. ace in the hole Definitions include: a secret advantage. across the board ...
In The Zone · IWID It's What I Do · IYL If You're LuckyIt's Your Life · IZ Is, it's · OGIM Oh God It's Monday · OHIM Oh Hell, It's Monday · SWIR So Wrong, It's Right · TAIF Thank Allah It's Friday · TGI Thank God It's ... · TGIAF Thank God It's...
I won't use RCS because it facilitates communication with Android comments in 3.2.1. Nothing you said was remotely funny smfh kids Reactions: Fred Zed and turbineseaplane ANTAWNM26 macrumors 65816 Jun 14, 2009 1,008 263 Oct 15, 2024 #272 Curious what’s the largest file you ...
acronym for "I don't know know!". The second "know" is used to indicate frustration. Used mainly in computer-based conversation (instant messaging, email, text messaging, etc.) Person A: What time does her flight arrive? Person B:IDKK. ...
SAS IT Resource Management is the new name for IT Service Vision. You may see references in our older documentation to its former name. The hotfixes issued during the 2.7 release cycle are cumulative. That is, hotfix 27IS08 contains all the changes that were contained within hotfix 27IS07....