Each parent gives one copy of the SMN1 gene to a child with SMA. A child who inherits the SMN1 gene from only one parent is unlikely to develop the condition although they may pass the gene on to their children. What are the symptoms and signs of spinal muscular atrophy? Spinal muscular...
Myotonic dystrophy is the most common adult form of the condition. In general, it causes an inability to relax the muscles following a contraction and can also cause swallowing difficulties, drooping eyelids, cataracts and other vision problems, baldness at the front of the scalp in men, weakness...
An exponentially weighted moving average reacts more significantly to recent price changes than a simple moving average (SMA). Using MACD MACD has a positive value (shown as the blue line in the lower chart) whenever the 12-period EMA (indicated by the red line on the price chart) is ...
Melasma is a condition that causes dark patches on the skin, and it is often difficult to treat. DMSO was found to be effective in reducing the appearance of these patches.3. Brain HealthDMSO has been found to have potential benefits for brain health. It has been shown to have antioxidant...
Myotonic dystrophy is the most common adult form of the condition. In general, it causes an inability to relax the muscles following a contraction and can also cause swallowing difficulties, drooping eyelids, cataracts and other vision problems, baldness at the front of the scalp in men, weakness...
What is a cyclin? (a) What is amniocentesis? (b) Why is it done to some pregnant women? What is Acute Mountain Sickness? What is the proliferation of cancer? What are chiasmata? How does a Philadelphia chromosome cause chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)? Explain the pathophysiology of Neur...
What is SIBO? What are the four types of anemias? What is GMO? What is a photon of light? What does RTRACS stand for? What is hypocalcemia? What are chemotrophs? What is an osmoregulator? What is a 'single turn-over condition'?
SMA is divided into four types. Some types appear earlier and with greater severity than others. All types of SMA require extensive medical care from a medical team. The condition has no cure, but treatment can help children live better lives. People with SMA and their parents can have their...
Termination of chiasmata takes place. RNA synthesis stops and the chromosome s condense, thicken and become attached to nuclear envelope. Each pair of sister chromatids is attached to nuclear envelope. Each pair of sister chromatids is attached at their centromeres. ...
Macular telangiectasia type 2 usually starts to develop in middle-aged people and gets gradually worse over 10-20 years. Researchers estimate that about half of people with this condition will have eyesight of 20/32 or better. Type 1 is most often diagnosed around age 40. You can have it ...