Sleep bruxism› Sleep bruxismis a sleep disorder in which you clench or grind your teeth. This can occur infrequently and may not require treatment; however, for some, it can be so severe that it leads to headaches, flattened or chipped teeth, and jaw problems such as tightness, soreness...
One common test for sleep apnea is called anocturnal polysomnography. “During this test, you’re hooked up to equipment that monitors your heart, lung and brain activity, breathing patterns, arm and leg movements, and blood oxygen levels while you sleep,” the Mayo Clinic websiteexplains. Som...
When we don’t get enough sleep, it is called sleep deprivation. This cannot happen when we are low on sleep once, but rather when we are deprived of sleep over a longer period. You get sleep deficiency if one or more of the following things happen: You have a sleep disorder that sto...
Sleep architecture can be represented by a graph called a hypnogram. This type of graph shows the peaks and valleys of the sleep stages in each of the four cycles. Short-term disruption of this sequential pattern can lead to sleep deprivation anddaytime sleepiness, while long-term disruption c...
“Once you have a poor night of sleep (even one time), your brain can latch onto fearful thoughts associated with not sleeping, and then the anxiety becomes what is called a conditioned response.” This means your brain now associates fear with sleep, and the cycle of anxiety simply ...
The Lifestyle Modifications:This is all about eating healthy foods, doing exercise, keeping away from stimulants and caffeine, and observing sound sleep. Desensitization aka Exposure Therapy:This trypophobia cure technique makes a therapist expose their clients to their phobias in little doses. ...
How is panic disorder diagnosed? The term ___ refers to a sleep disorder in which a person has horrifying experiences that cause panic and sudden awakening from non-REM sleep. ( Fill in the blank with correct word) What is the difference between...
But, if there are no sleep problems, Shade said, "by all means, sleeping in the same bed is better." "We release oxytocin and some other chemicals that are called 'the cuddling hormones' and things that give us a good feeling and bring us closer to that person we're imprinting upon ...
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder marked by trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. When chronic, it can be treated.
Describe the nature of sleep, sleep disorder, and their treatment. Explain two types of sleep disorders, how they can impact a person, and what can be done to reduce their effects. Most of us feel like we never get enough sleep. What are the stages of sleep and what is the importance...