1.1 欧易OKX首支TVC《What is OKX》正式发布,全球同步上线,由F1传奇赛车手DanielRicciardo,足坛名帅瓜迪奥拉,单板滑雪世界冠军 Scotty James 联袂出演; 1.2 欧易&TokenInsight发起主题Xspace《一次聊透以太坊合并分叉——普通投资者如何参与》 产品更新: 2.1 现货: 2.1.1 欧易已上线Lido DAO (LDO),并于2022年9月2...
i have not recieved a heirloom yet but when i do i want to save it until crypto gets an heirloom but after i have recieved hierloom shards and i open more packs will it count towards my next heirloom shard? discussion kudo count Reply ...
My buddy was running Crypto, and he only caught a glimpse of the finish via his drone, as we were position in final zone already Like 1 Reply Asmodeus566 Hero+ to dSKyNafinchin2 years ago @dSKyNafinchin I have had a few games like you mention in the past as well. But this one...
I was on Mirage and beat a whole squad and heard "Ladies and Gentlemen...We got em (him?)" Made me laugh out loud. Other favorites Caustic - The biggest trap, is your own mind Crypto - You can run, you can hide. But you can't escape yourself. Bangalore - Show up on my door ...
sklBmU":"Important Links","title@instance:RxhCrP":"Community Highlights","title@instance:LNkHKx":"Community Highlights","title@instance:POLBgn":"Top Reported Issues","title@instance:featuredWidgets.widget.featuredStatusesWidget-1720615823279":"Read First","title@instance:zMEbSJ":"Community Highlights...
When some new content makes you giggle. Crypto yday: "In my previous life I worked with ones and zeroes. Guess which one you are." Solo squadwipes. When a newb sticks to you like glue. Hopefully they learn something. When TMs see my banner and think I'm a pred then I go and...