Browse the slang definition of social justice warrior along with examples of social justice warrior in a sentence, origin, usage, and related words all in one place.
(Take that, Mom and Dad, for trying to tell me during family game nights that I can't use acronyms!) So what are some of the slang words we can now cherish as actual, respectable English language additions? Lets take a look at a few of my favorites; you can se...
Terf is slang for "A trans-exclusionary radical feminist." See an example of how people use it.
Speak Truth To Power is slang for "Stand up for what is right." See an example of how people use it.
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. Yet, it was just harmless fun. Today, things have ratcheted up to such a level that just being a white male can get you thrown in jail. Legions of BLM and SJW’s patrol the social media, and people are afraid to be themselves. I guess that is a progressive “paradise” for you...