The advantage of CTI is that it provides an in-depth understanding of the cyber threats that can become serious risks to the organizations’ assets and propose defense mechanisms to fight against them. Essentially, CTI promotesproactive cybersecurity measuresfor fighting cyberattacks rather tha...
AT&T hasn't disclosed details about its investigation into the data breach, but it is likely to be time-consuming and costly, according to Kevin Powers, the founding director of the Master of Science in Cybersecurity Policy and Governance Programs at Boston College. The company will most likely...
Traffic Re-Routing:The rerouting may take the form of /blackholing/ or /null routing/, where all traffic is diverted to a different IP address and dropped entirely. Or traffic can be /sinkholed/ — only traffic with a malicious IP origin is dropped. ...
SecurityScorecarduses data from publicly available commercial and open-source feeds across the internet to get an “outside-in, hacker perspective of a company’s cybersecurity posture.” With over 1.5 million companies scored and counting, SecurityScorecard data is valid and reliable. A score is ...
Avast and other cybersecurity researchers decode ransomware and offer the decryption keys online for free. Not every strain of ransomware is able to be cracked, however. In the case of WannaCry, there is a decryption key available, but it may not work for all computer systems. If you’re...
Check out our freeupcoming live and on-demand webinar events– unique, dynamic discussions with cybersecurity experts and the Threatpost community. Transcript Lisa Vaas:Hello, this is Lisa Vaas, host of the Threatpost podcast. In today’s episode, I’ll be speaking with Kurtis Minder, chief ...
"The reality is there are a lot of records missing, and it sounds really bad. But from a practical standpoint, how many people had information stolen that isn't out there already? A lot of it is public record," cybersecurity expert Joseph Steinberg told CBS MoneyWatch. "From the ...
Security Cloud Control is a new, AI-embedded management solution designed to unify the Cisco Security Cloud, starting with network security. It is a modern micro-app architecture with an updated user interface, common services, and a service-mesh that connects configuration, logs, and alerts ...
As business execs weigh the many factors impacting their operations, they have new what-ifs to consider—wildfires, floods, or sinkholes that cut off key transportation corridors. Predictive maps can help pinpoint risks and vulnerabilities, allowing business owners to plan alternatives that keep their...
Will the cybersecurity situation in the world improve next year, with all of the ongoing turmoil? It’s hard to say, but what 2015 has definitely proved is that cybersecurity is the thing that’s relatable to everyone, from housekeepers and self-employed individuals to large enterprises and ...