AST Price Natural Logarithm is logarithm with base 'e' where e is equal to 2.718281828. It is applied on the entire AST pricing series.JulAugSepAug 15Aug 20Aug 25Aug 30SepSep 09Sep 14Sep 190.0650.0700.0750.0800.0850.090 500K1M1.5M2M2.5M3M3.5M4M4.5M5M5.5M6M6.5M7M7.5M8M8.5M -2.74-2.72...
"Queening" is just a common term applied to the promotion of a pawn which , generally , is the piece the pawn is most often promoted to but "Queen me." is not part of the rules . How do you define a promotion? A promotion is an advancement in rank or position. In chess a pro...
(the natural logarithm of gross state product per capita, and the unemployment rate), [Fee.sub.s,t] is the state's Medicaid physician fee index for primary care services, and [] is an index of the size of each state's CHIP expansion that is equal to the predicted...
rankaveragetype_equal_above = 2, rankaveragetype_equal_below = 3, rankaveragetype_1stddev_above = 4, rankaveragetype_1stddev_below = 5, rankaveragetype_2stddev_above = 6, rankaveragetype_2stddev_below = 7, rankaveragetype_3stddev_above = 8, rankaveragetype_3stddev_below = 9 new enume...
Using {eq}\displaystyle h=0.5 {/eq}, what is {eq}\displaystyle y_1 {/eq}? Numerical Integration: Let's say we have a differential equation {eq}\displaystyle y' = f(x,y) {/eq} and we know that {eq}\displaystyle y(\alpha) = \beta {/eq}. If we want to find the value o...
When a is equal to the Euler's number e, then we have f(x) = ex, where e is a constant whose value is approximately 2.718. Now, the antiderivative rules for these two forms of the exponential functions are:∫ax dx = ax/ln a + C ∫ex dx = ex + C [Because ln e = 1]...
Hence, even if equal rights and benefits were given to both British citizens in the other EU countries and EU citizens in the UK the UK would be a serious loser because of the disparity in numbers between the UK and the EU. . But it will not be equal rights and benefits because all ...
What is a constant variable in math?Constant Variables in Mathematics:In mathematics, variables are symbols, often letters, that we use to represent some unknown quantity. There are different types of variables in mathematics, and their type depends on what they are representing and how they ...
>>> WTF() == WTF() # two different instances can't be equal False >>> WTF() is WTF() # identities are also different False >>> hash(WTF()) == hash(WTF()) # hashes _should_ be different as well True >>> id(WTF()) == id(WTF()) True...
What is the derivative ofsec−1(x+2)2=2(x+2)(x+2)−1? Differentiation of sec−1x=1xx2−1 Answer and Explanation:1 Lety=sec−1(x+2)2 Differentiation wrt x: {eq}\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{1}{(x+2)^2\sqrt{(x+2)^4-1}} . \frac{d}{...