Sick sinus syndrome (SSS), also known assinus nodedysfunction, describes a group of problems that affect your heart rhythm. It happens when a defect occurs with your sinus node, also known as the sinoatrial node or SA node. Your sinus node controls the pace of your heartbeat. The sinus n...
In other words, we (or parts of us) get sick: the sinus node is no exception. The problem with the sinus node is that when gets “sick,” it may come in the form of Sick Sinus Syndrome. Sick Sinus Syndrome is not your average run-of-the-mill illness and refers to a group of ...
Another condition that affects the heart conduction system is called sick sinus syndrome (SSS) or sinus node disease. It affects the sinoatrial node and causes the heart to beat slower or faster than normal. It can also contribute to an increased heart rate duringexercise. ...
bradycardiasandsick-sinussyndrome(SSS)),whichoftennecessitatetheimplantationofelectronicpacemakers.Although effective,electronicdevicesareassociatedwithsuchshortcomingsaslimitedbatterylife,permanentimplantationofleads,lead dislodging,thelackofautonomicresponsesandsoon.Here,variousgene-andcell-basedapproaches,withaparticular ...
SSSSick Sinus Syndrome SSSSound Suppression System(various organizations) SSSSchool of Social Sciences SSSSociété Suisse de Spéléologie(French: Swiss Society of Speleology; Swiztzerland) SSSSea Surface Salinity SSSShort Sea Shipping SSSSigue Sigue Sputnik ...
What is trachea function What is shwachman syndrome What is chest congestion Down syndrome: Possible birth complications View more Preventing Flu Complications How Rare A Rare Disease Can Be? The 16 Most Common Genetic Diseases Why Does My Toddler Get Sick With Fever All The Time, An...
The physiological capacity to regulate heart rate according to changing metabolic needs is impaired to a various degree in all clinical forms of sick sinus syndrome (SSS), as well as in the presence of pathologies affecting the autonomic nervous system or the brainstem centers which control ...
Report A 67 year old woman was treated for Sick sinus syndrome with permanent pacemaker implant. She had three generator changes for end of life and repositioning.Erosion of generator, led cardiologist to plan lead and generator ... D Mehrotra,A Miller,H Mc,... - 《Anz Journal of Surgery...
Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a rare neurological disorder where the spinal cord is attached, or tethered, to the tissues around the spine. This tethering of the spinal cord restricts its movements and prevents it from keeping up with its ongoing growth as the body grows. This causes the ...
M. BrignoleSpringer MilanMenozzi, C.; Brignole, M. Carotid sinus syndrome: what is the clinical relevance of the vasopressor component and how to manage it? In: Raviele, A. Cardiac arrhytthmias. Milan: Springer-Verlag.1998; 368-375....