In other words, we (or parts of us) get sick: the sinus node is no exception. The problem with the sinus node is that when gets “sick,” it may come in the form of Sick Sinus Syndrome. Sick Sinus Syndrome is not your average run-of-the-mill illness and refers to a group of ...
Artificial pacemaker:Most people with sick sinus syndrome are treated with a permanentartificial pacemaker.10SSS is the most common reason that people receive an artificial pacemaker.8An artificial pacemaker is a small, battery-powered device. It is implanted under the skin of your chest during mino...
Whereas some types ofbradycardiain dogs are perfectly normal, two conditions can cause the heart rate to dip so much that medical intervention is necessary: Heart Block Sick Sinus Syndrome Heart Block Third-degree AV block, also known as completeheart block, is a dangerous condition in which all...
Another condition that affects the heart conduction system is called sick sinus syndrome (SSS) or sinus node disease. It affects the sinoatrial node and causes the heart to beat slower or faster than normal. It can also contribute to an increased heart rate duringexercise. Ion channels, tiny p...
Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a rare neurological disorder where the spinal cord is attached, or tethered, to the tissues around the spine. This tethering of the spinal cord restricts its movements and prevents it from keeping up with its ongoing growth as the body grows. This causes the ...
A heart monitor will be used to track your heart rate and rhythm if you are in the hospital. You may also need to wear it for several days at home. How is bradycardia treated?You may not need any treatment. Bradycardia is usually treated if it causes symptoms, such as dizziness or fai...
Dysphagia is the medical term used to describe a person's difficulty in swallowing food or liquids. Dysphagia can be caused by many different illnesses or medical conditions. It may be transient, when viral or bacterial illness is the cause, or it may be permanent if the cause is certain ty...
Sick sinus syndrome and other heart problems due to atrial arrhythmias Cushing reflex (increased intracranial pressure in your skull) How to Lower Your Resting Heart Rate In general, people who are fitter and less stressed are more likely to have a good resting heart rate. A few lifestyle chan...
Slight tear or hole in the septum Scarring (though it probably will be inside your nose and not visible to others) Toxic shock syndrome (this is rare) Leak of spinal fluid (this also is rare) Sometimes after surgery, you might continue to have symptoms of sinusitis until the infection cl...
M. BrignoleSpringer MilanMenozzi, C.; Brignole, M. Carotid sinus syndrome: what is the clinical relevance of the vasopressor component and how to manage it? In: Raviele, A. Cardiac arrhytthmias. Milan: Springer-Verlag.1998; 368-375....