What is Scheuermann kyphosis? What is a tailbone? What is a shoulder blade? What is 'open pneumothorax'? What is pleural mesothelioma? What is the shoulder girdle? What are the metatarsals? What are chest compressions? What is a beluga sturgeon?
A swollen knee, also known as aknee effusionor "water on the knee," can be caused by a blow to the knee, an overuse injury, or an underlying infection or disease. To determine the cause, a healthcare provider may order imaging tests or perform. This is a procedure in which fluid is...
Ultrasound might be used to look for joint effusion and synovial swelling in children.8It is more sensitive to detecting septic arthritis in children than X-rays and MRIs. Unfortunately, it cannot rule outosteomyelitis(bone infection and inflammation) or nearby intramuscular abscesses (localized fluid...
What is lateral synovial joint loading? What kind of synovial joint is the subtalar joint? What kind of synovial joint is the shoulder? What is the hinge joint to the hamstring? Which synovial joints are biaxial? What is the common name for the patella? What do the patella and ulna protec...
Pain in your chest, back, or shoulder that is not related to your cough could be a sign of respiratory illness. Voice A change in the voice that lasted for more than a week or two may be a sign of respiratory disease. Health News 'Watch and Wait' May Equal Active Treatment for Ear...
The current study suggests that ultrasound can detect rotator cuff tears in the setting of arthroplasty with good reproducibility, particularly for the subscapularis. However, because of the aforementioned reasons, the high accuracy of ultrasound for rotator cuff tears in the non-operated shoulder ...
我喜欢故意气你,喜欢看你拿我无可奈何的样子,喜欢你担心我的样子 I like you holding my hand, likes you hugging me, likes in your bosom feeling, likes depending in yours shoulder.Because I thought like this very warmly, very much has the security sense, can think very steadfastly.Therefore I ...
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a joint problem that usually affects the hip or knee. It also can occur in the shoulder, ankle, elbow, hand or foot.
89 yo F haemathrosis to left shoulder at injection site one week post vaccine. No blood thinners. Healthy 72 yo F (mother in law) Very healthy, fit. No medical problems. Profoundly deaf in both ears over a period of days. Had vax 10 mon...
What vertebrae is between the shoulder blades? How many thoracic nerves are there? What structures keep the heart in the thorax? What controls the air pressure inside the thoracic cavity? What part of the thorax articulates with the appendicular skeleton? What is the lumbar plexus? What is the...