If both are correct, in what situation is either used in? 查看翻译 ayapooon 2022年7月11日 日语 まいつき is correct! Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 1 like 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) animal_lover7yuka 2022年7月11日 日语 It reads まいつき.笑(≧∇≦)b We ...
Hiragana and katakana were made as phonograms from kanji that have the same pronunciations.So, a kanji has one or two onyomi(Chinese reading , the two are from Kan and Go) and no, one or more kun reading (original Japanese reading)Katakana is used for words derived from other countries ...
①と②は同じです。 ③は少し不自然かもしれません。「もとにする」とは「参考にする」という意味です。 例「この事例をもとにして、改善する」
In the sentence you provided, the city of Osaka (大阪市) is ordering the company (会社) to have people who bought the health food products return them. So, in this case, the company (会社) is the one who is being asked to have the products returned, not feeling grateful. ...
equivalent to the present-day is bad. 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) 您为什么回答“嗯...”? a2shi 2019年5月29日 日语 For example (6)脱衣箱:脱いだ衣服を入れる棚箱、今でいうロッカー。 (6) Bathroom basket: Box on the shelf in which to put clothes that have been tak...
What is Kiru in hiragana? While the sound and hiragana looks the same in the dictionary form, きる KIRU (to cut) and きる KIRU (to wear) are different in meaning and also in verb type. 切る is verb 5 (godan) 着る is verb 1 (ichidan) ...
Writing Japanese: What is Kanji, Hiragana and KatakanaPhilip Nicosia
What is the best food you like这个在 日语 里怎么说? AI_monga 2023年10月3日 Formal translation in Japanese: 「あなたが一番好きな食べ物は何ですか。」 Pronunciation: "Anata ga ichiban suki nao wa nan desu ka." Casual translation in Japanese: 「一番好きな食べ物は何?」 Pronunciation: ...
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