In the instance of Scheduled Commercial, Regional Rural, Small Finance, Cooperative, and SHG Banks. The interest rate will be determined by the current rates of interest.For Non-Banking Financial Company-Micro Financing Institution and Non-Banking Financial Company,the interest rates will match RBI ...
14) The following 4 variables have been added to table VMTRUSR: Variable Description Interpretation VMLOGFG Flag bits set at logon HEXFLAGS VMMISF1 Miscelaneous flag byte HEXFLAGS VMRLOLG Original logon system STRING VMRLSRC Last relocated system STRING 15) The following 10 variables have been...
shgeqz_ -u shsein_ -u shseqr_ -u slabad_ -u slabrd_ -u slacon_ -u slacpy_ -u sladiv_ -u slae2_ -u slaebz_ -u slaed0_ -u slaed1_ -u slaed2_ -u slaed3_ -u slaed4_ -u slaed5_ -u slaed6_ -u slaed7_ -u slaed8_ -u slaed9_ -u sla...
Received: 18 January 2019; Accepted: 11 February 2019; Published: 19 February 2019 Abstract: The FBXW7 (F-box with 7 tandem WD40) protein encoded by the gene FBXW7 is one of the crucial components of ubiquitin ligase called Skp1-Cullin1-F-box (SCF) complex that aids in the ...