Pamela Geller: Sharia is Islamic law, considered by Muslims to be the law of Allah, and encompassing every aspect of human behavior. It forbids criticism and mockery of Islam on pain of death. Thus when Western non-Muslims say we should not draw Muhammad, they are recommending that we confo...
No need to study sharia law; just look at the results when it is in force. As Jack Chick explains in his new tract,Camel's In The Tent, Islam is a cruel and oppressive culture relentlessly determined to take over the world for Allah. They rightly claim that Western culture has deteriora...
Sharia is defined as, “ the divine law based on the divine commands and prohibitions, and the principles of verses, hadiths and ijma (consensus) of ummah.” Two things attract attention in the definition. One is the fact that Sharia is “divine commands and prohibitions”. The other is...
Riba is forbidden under Sharia law (Islamic religious law) because it is thought to be exploitative. Though Muslims agree that riba is prohibited, there is much debate over what constitutes riba, whether it is against Sharia law or only discouraged, and whether or not it should be punished. ...
Musharakah is a joint enterprise or partnership structure in Islamic finance in which partners share in the profits and losses of an enterprise. Since Islamic law (Sharia) does not permit profiting from interest in lending, musharakah allows for the financier of a project or company to achieve ...
The Islamic or halal mortgage process is slightly different, allowing customers to get finance to buy a home in compliance with Sharia law
“Only in Clown Years 2017-2018 could anyone suggest Brett Kavanaugh is “controversial.” He’s a mild Irish Catholic Yalie who loves rules & law. To defeat his nomination just 2 years ago? You’d need photos of him and wife shagging the family beagle at high noon in the back yard....
Do Wahhabis and Sunni Muslims have different views on Islamic law (Sharia)? Yes, Sunni Muslims follow interpretations from various jurisprudence schools, while Wahhabis adhere to a strict and literal interpretation, often rejecting other schools. 5 Do Sunni Muslims outside Saudi Arabia follow Wahhabi...
For more elaboration of the examples listed here, see Asifa Quraishi-Landes, "Rumors of the Sharia Threat Are Greatly Exaggerated: What American Judges Really Do with Islamic Family Law in Their Courtrooms," 57 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 245 (2012-2013)....
Flesh of the Pig (pork):Islam believes that pigs are unclean and that eating pork is the root cause of many diseases. It requires every Muslim to observe this commandment. Blood:The Islamic Sharia Law forbids Muslims from eating blood and its products. ...