The image above shows a “502 Bad Gateway NGINX” error from a server using NGINX as a reverse proxy, which is a very common web-server setup. The error page may be further customized by some hosting providers. Below you can see an example of a customized “502 Bad Gateway” Error page...
HTTP Status Code 502, colloquially known as the "Bad Gateway" error, is a member of the 5xx series of HTTP response status codes. This family of codes is used to signify instances where the server is aware that it has stumbled upon an error or is in a position where it cannot complete...
Typically, when you visit a website, your access request will be sent to a web server. If this server receives an invalid response from an upstream server, you’ll get a 502 bad gateway message. Although the 502 error is not as common as a500 internal server erroror a503 service unavaila...
A 502 bad gateway error is a type of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) status code. These HTTP status codes are issued by the server when you make a request, so if you understand what the codes mean, you can decipher errors and troubleshoot more easily. The four HTTP status code types...
For example, when a server is under maintenance, you would likely see the 504 error on a website hosted there. Once this process is completed, the site should become accessible again. Other culprits for an HTTP 504 error may be a traffic overload on the server, bugs in the code of a...
Function Computeuses the keep-alive mode to ensure that the HTTP server in a Custom Container runtime is connected. For idempotent requests such as the GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE requests, the system retries to connect to the HTTP server when an error such asEOForconnecti...
This status code for the one priced so the service is refusing to give resources. Unlike a 401 error, the client identity is known to the server. 404 Not Found This status code means that the server is unable to find the requested resource. In your internet browser this means that the ...
Learn what an HTTP error 500 is, potential causes for the error, browser compatibility, and more. Plus, how to fix 500 internal server errors.
I understand the incoming traffic is blocked which is causing 502 bad gateway error. Appreciate your suggestions or sharing your experiences. Thank you
502 bad gateway: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request. 503 service unavailable: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading or maintenance of ...