Unfortunately, little is known at this time about Web navigation. This paper begins to fill that gap by examining how a page's design influences the links that visitors do, or do not, click. Specifically, by manipulating the serial position of a link on a Web page, we found increases in...
PlaybackPositionUpdateEventArgs RemoteControlFlags RemoteController RemoteController.ClientChangeEventArgs RemoteController.ClientMetadataUpdateEventArgs RemoteController.ClientPlaybackStateUpdateEventArgs RemoteController.ClientPlaybackStateUpdateSimpleEventArgs RemoteController.ClientTransportControlUpdateEventArgs RemoteController...
Diagnostic data analytics is the process of examining data to understand cause and effect. Techniques such as drill down, data discovery, data mining, and correlations are often employed. Diagnostic data analytics help answer why something occurred. Like the other categories, it too is broken down...
2. Japan Senju Industry position: Japan Senju, as the absolute leading company in the encapsulated solder world, is also excellent in flux. The main features of Chisum flux include high activity, high heat resistance, good wettability, excellent cleanliness and small volume change.These characteristi...
Getting STATUS_THREAD_IS_TERMINATING (0xc000004b) error on exit of program Getting the list of available serial ports in C++ Getting the PropertyData of ManagementObject in C++ GetWindowText and SetWindowText using std::wstring Given Process ID, determine whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit process...
Interface: Serial—Standard digital output protocol (serial) like RS232, or Parallel—Standard digital output protocol (parallel) like IEEE488. LVDT Type: Current Balance AC/AC, or DC/DC, or Frequency Based Displacement: A linear variable displacement transducer, or LVDT, is an electrical tran...
We are now in a position to answer the question, Does it matter if the basic arithmetic operations introduce a little more rounding error than necessary? The answer is that it does matter, because accurate basic operations enable us to prove that formulas are "correct" in the sense they ...
Serial Number to Name a Folder dynamically. Service Control Manager Doesn't Restart Service On Failure Service Name with underscore in name: why? Service vs scheduled task Session "PerfDiag Logger" failed to start error: 0xC0000035 Event ID 2, any clues?! Set a Scheduled task with Shutdown ...
Figure 6. Due to a mismatch, the property clears when All Configurations is chosen. Click the thumbnail for a larger image. This multiple-platform project capability has many advantages, which allow you to maintain one code base and customize your application's UI, input handling, and more by...
Exposure is the maximum potential loss a lender may incur if the borrower defaults. It's a risk measurement technique to assess the position of the lender, the characteristics of the borrower, and the possibility of loss. Exposure is a natural part of lending; in return for being exposed to...