Quantum Mechanics Isn’t Weird, We’re Just Too Big _ Qiskit Seminar Series with P 01:13:50 The Science of Cooperation – with Nichola Raihani 58:01 Elon Musk & Joe Rogan talk to “conscious AI.” 19:29 Combining medicine and design - with Bon Ku and Ellen Lupton 55:48 What'...
South Kensington is well known for its old buildings, fantastic restaurants, and many designer shops. But the real reason visitors flood here is for the chance to experience three of the city’s best museums: Victoria and Albert Museum, the National History Museum, and the Science Museum. All...
Analysis of a series of computer science seminars indicates that use of the discourse marker 'so' in monologic talk is not random, rather it plays an important role in orienting the listener to the overall structure of the seminar. Although the institutional nature of seminar talk is such ...
the hobbies section is redundant. On entry-level CVs, the hobbies section is more acceptable. When written well, it can suggest you are a good cultural fit for the company. What youdon’twant to do, though, is put a CV section with generic hobbies. ...
There is a form for adding further talks to the site; please feel free to contribute (or make other suggestions) in order to make the seminar list more useful. UPDATE: Here are some other lists of mathematical seminars online: Online seminars (curated by Ao Sun and Mingchen Xia at MIT) ...
This seminar takes the form of a research discussion which will focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) research being undertaken in WAIS and other research groups in ECS. IoT is a significant emerging research area, with funding for research available from many channels including new H2020 ...
Science Notes by Greg Egan Secret Blogging Seminar Selected Papers Network Sergei Denisov's blog Short, Fat Matrices Shtetl-Optimized Shuanglin's Blog Since it is not… Sketches of topology Snapshots in Mathematics ! Soft questions Some compact thoughts Stacks Project Blog SymOmega Tanya Khovanova's...
The world has moved very quickly in the space of sustainability and resiliency, especially so for Singapore. This seminar seeks to update what Singapore and Surbana Jurong is doing in the fields of Sustainability and Resiliency, as well as to...
IBM seminar: The Power of Optimization in Government Agencies Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara was a featured speaker at an IBM-sponsored Washington, DC seminar where experts discussed why many agencies are moving toward optimization tools to meet their federal missions. Read More July 6...
Science Notes by Greg Egan Secret Blogging Seminar Selected Papers Network Sergei Denisov's blog Short, Fat Matrices Shtetl-Optimized Shuanglin's Blog Since it is not… Sketches of topology Snapshots in Mathematics ! Soft questions Some compact thoughts Stacks Project Blog SymOmega Tanya Khovanova's...