Is the Celebration of Easter Biblical? Is the Celebration of Christmas Biblical? Joshua: What We Can Learn About Leadership Biblical Foods: Bread
It is the forces that control the world that are in conflict with God. We, as Christians, are God’s children. Thus, if the world is in conflict with God, the world is also in conflict with us. The prayer of John 17 expresses the heart of Jesus, as He knows t...
Paul David Tripp suggests that if isolation from the culture (rejection) is on one end of the spectrum, and immersion in the culture (assimilation) is on the other end, then Christians can find a biblically-appropriate place between the two. He calls this place, “redemption interaction.” R...
but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and giveslifeto the world.”“Sir,” they said, “from now on give us this bread.” Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread oflife. He who...
Rather than embracing the vexed concept of “double repentance,” Christians should rally around the much more biblically defined concept of the “double cure”: Rock of Ages, cleft for me Let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the blood, ...
Scriptural mandates:Is the person a believer who fears God (Proverbs 31:30) and who is biblically eligible for marriage (Mark 10:11-12)? Wisdom:How do they handle their money? (Proverbs 31:16, 18) Is this person a hard worker? (Proverbs 13:4;26:13-15) Do they live an upright lif...
in Hebrew or Greek for “hell.” Jesus usedGehennato illustrate that spiritual death is as tragic as physical death. God creating a literal Hell where people are tortured for billions of years for beliefs held a short time here on earth isn’t possible biblically or morally.See here.See ...
10:28 states "..those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." therefore, your soul will never die and experiences on this earth plane. I do believe that the biblically meaning of being shot at is about control, wisdom and making sure you follow your heart's desires in this world...
What is the biblical meaning of cars in dreams? The biblical meaning of cars in the dream is focused on how we run the course of our life. The car biblically can be associated with the define, the lights could be seen as spiritual lights. The car enables us to spiritually travel to pl...
I wish more novels were written that promoted the Word of God and what it teaches in a venue that is Biblically related. I prefer all pronouns of God capitalized for reverence. ~ Want ~ If you are looking for a tasty twist to Biblical Esther’s volatile reign as queen in Susa, this ...