Early research on self-conceptsuffered from the idea that self-concept is a single, stable, unitary conception of the self. More recently, however, scholars have recognized it as a dynamic, active structure that is impacted by both the individual’s motivations and the social situation. Carl Ro...
For example, a POC for a new device might uncover logistical barriers to manufacturing it at scale, which could impact the organization's decision to go through with it. Proof of concept vs. prototype vs. minimum viable product (MVP) Chances are, you've heard the term "prototype" used ...
The self is generally identified as the combination of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that make up personal identity. We might also think of the self as that which makes us a unique and individual being distinct from other beings.
Being self-aware of our feelings is a prerequisite to regulating them. For example, fear can be distressing and provoke a fight or flight-type reaction if we aren’t able to elevate it to our consciousness. Ibrahim’s self-awareness allows him to understand his fear that he may not be ...
It may be that the developments just described are intertwined with and influence one another.Talking with parents about the past may enhance the development of the self-concept, for example, as well as help the child understand what it means to "remember."No doubt the ability to talk about...
What is the Dunning-Kruger effect? What is a negative self-concept? What are some examples of an agonist? What are some examples of interpersonal communication? Define and give an example of alienation. Is there a distinction between self, ego, and I?
What motivates you generally? Consider the arousal, incentive, and self- determination theories. Explain the motivational technique of intrinsic motivation from the model of motivational learning. Describe the biology of motivation. What is an example of extrinsic motivation? a. Satisfaction with increasi...
Apply an iterative, three-step feedback loop Use the three-step iterative process called self-regulated learning to test and adjust your plan for solving a problem. The next unit describes this concept. Next unit: Exercise - Approach challenges...
Self-interest is anything done for seeking personal gain. An example of self-interest, for example, is pursuing higher education to get a better job, so that you can make more money in the future. Why Is Self-Interest Important? According to Adam Smith, self-interest is important because ...
The concept of cognitive dissonance has applications to investing. One study suggests that the observation that people do not always treatsunk costsas irrelevant to marginal decisions at least in part due to cognitive dissonance. Economists argue that it is irrational to continue throwing money into ...