What is alpha vs. beta? Alpha and beta are both ratios that compare the performance of a stock against that of the market as a whole, but they do so in different ways. Alpha focuses on the additional return that an investment provides on top of the market’s return. Beta indicates the...
Investors use an index to track the performance of a set of assets. The selection of those assets and how they are tracked varies with the index (S&P500, Dow Jones, etc.). Learn more.
Stock Screener ETF Screener Comparisons Subscriptions Alpha Picks Premium & Pro Group SubscriptionsSearch field Entering text into the input field will update the search result below Entering text into the input field will update the search result below About Premium Create free account Log inCreate a...
A stock-keeping unit (SKU) is a unique code assigned to a product by a business. SKU systems are typically used internally and can vary from one business to another, even if both are selling the same product. SKUs play a key role in improving inventory tracking, financial analysis,...
Why is Seeking Alpha so Popular? Seeking Alpha has become a go-to platform for active investors, particularly those who are focused on individual stocks. Its popularity stems from several key factors that make it a standout platform in the realm of stock market information and analysis. ...
Mar 20, 2023 CNN International 100,000 newborn babies will have their genomes sequenced in the UK. It could have big implications for child medicine Mar 14, 2023 TechnologieBox CeGaT is one of the first companies worldwide to receive the most powerful sequencing platform NovaSeq™ X Plus Mar...
Key features: Comprehensive stockscreener; market maps and visualization; technical and fundamental data; news aggregation; basic portfolio tracking Seeking Alpha Cost: $19.99-239.99/month13 Best for: Investment research and analysis Key features: In-depth market analysis; crowdsourced research;earnings ...
Answer to: What is the legal liability (if any) of writers on sites like Seeking Alpha, the Motley Fool, etc. who explicitly recommend buying...
An LEI code (Legal Entity Identifier) is a unique 20-character alphanumeric identifier established under the ISO 17442 standard by the International
One complaint smart beta investors have about market-cap-weighted indices is that they effectively prioritize yesterday’s stock winners (those companies that have already grown to have larger capitalizations). The smart beta investment approach applies to popular asset classes, such as equities, fixed...