今天我们要分享的句子是:What you seek is seeking you. seek, 意思是“寻求” What you seek, 意思是:你所寻求的 is seeking , 正在寻求 you, 你 What you seek is seeking you. 你找寻的正在找寻你。 新的一天开始了,你在找寻什么?你想...
Motivations for phishing attacks differ, but mainly attackers are seeking valuable user data such as personally identifiable information (PII) or login credentials that can be used to commit fraud by accessing the victim's financial accounts. Once attackers have login information, personal data, access...
seeking different perspectives solving problems effectively Effective leaders know that what works in one situation will not necessarily work every time. Leadership strategies must reflect an organization’s context. For example, asituational approachenables executives to focus on the leadership behaviors tha...
Rumi was spot on when he made this observation about life that “what you seek, is also seeking you” – the moment you seek, you create a polarity (let’s call it dark or yin) and this polarity causes the opposite (let’s call it light or yang) to now seek it – the dark now...
frequently alluded-to works in the Western literary canon) by referring to a hard-partying young adult as their family’s “prodigal son.” By doing this, you communicate to readers that the young adult squandered their family’s resources and has now returned to their parents, seeking ...
What you seek is seeking you. Rumi 你正在寻找的东西也在寻找你。鲁米[微风][抱抱]
What You Seek IS SEEKING YOU.🌿 在一切开始之前,在自我亲身验证之后。 荣格&Rumi看着看着就重合啦。 前不久的一场无神论和有神论的争论中,有个很有意思的问题。 无神论者提问“你怎麽知道神/造物主是公正的?”,有神论者很震惊地表示“ta当然是公正的?如果ta可能不公正那你觉得你是活在一个怎样的世界?你...
four sides. remember, too, that borderless, frameless and thin-bezel/no-bezel are relative terms, at least to product marketers. so, if you're seeking the thinnest possible frame, pay careful attention to the product specs. above all, know how much visible display space you desire from ...
Rent seeking is defined as any practice in which an entity aims to increase its wealth without making any contribution to the wealth or benefit of society
Seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable. 追求真实的东西,不是追求人们想要的东西。阿尔贝加缪 psu面试相谈甚欢,导师甚至提出同学还有系里哪位教授的方向感兴趣的,可见已经不太见外。匹兹堡今年遇到巨大申请量,四月份之前已经不回邮件了,需要埋头处理申请。家长对雅思的概念还是不太清楚,认为努力就可...