Panel data, also known as longitudinal data or cross-sectional time series data in some special cases, is data that is derived from a (usually small) number of observations over time on a (usually large) number of cross-sectional units like individuals, households, firms, or governments. In ...
“I find that many kids don’t open up in the circle and are afraid to share because the other kids don’t always respect what is said there. Not sure how to change that, but because they aren’t genuine in the circle, they are not reaping the benefits of genuine communication.” “...
Use your organizational skills and knowledge of business and management to become a corporate trainer or take a lead business role as chief management officer, chief resources manager or corporate social responsibility manager. Alternatively, use your understanding of sociology and ethics to go into ...
Is a world (objects and subjects) created by technical means, transmitted to a person through his sensations: sight, hearing, smell, touch, etc. Virtual reality imitates both impact and responses to exposure. Published in Chapter: Electronic Government Aizhan Baimukhamedova (Gazi University, ...
Research on community empowerment, coalition functioning, health interventions and the use of local data provide evidence about what can be achieved in communities. There is less understanding about how communities can collaborate to bring about change, especially for mental health and wellbeing. Method...
In psychological terms, a significant other refers to someone who holds great importance to another and affects their well-being either positively or negatively. In sociology, a significant other refers instead to a person that affects one's sense of self in an important way. In social psychology...
In number and scope, the factors used in demography—the collection, analysis, and use of demographics—can vary widely depending on the type of research being done. Besides advertising and marketing, demographics are also used in politics, sociology, and for cultural purposes. ...
The typical theoretical frameworks in health professional networks, for a more comprehensive understanding, could be divided into two categories: (1) social network theory or SNA paradigm; (2) non-SNA-specific theory derived from other fields (e.g., sociology, psychology, epidemiology, and economic...
What components make young people feel good about how the sports club is organized for them? The analytical questions were used in Step 1 of the data analysis, and both researchers read all answers individually several times. Using the analytical questions, both researchers formulated preliminary hea...
Notably, 38% of Primary Four and 32% of Secondary Two students achieved advanced levels in mathematics, compared to the international median of just 7%.” Ireland Pupils in Ireland among top maths performers in Europe, global study finds, The Irish Times Performance by girls in maths and ...