Collective bargaining over labour conditions between unions and employers is a key labour market institution in democratic societies, guaranteed by international and national law. Its coverage, organization and impact have varied over time and across countries. Inclusive bargaining, conducted by employers’...
This relative inattention to how and why is especially apparent in analyses of the role of government in higher education expansion. Government is a core actor in the theoretical imagery of educational sociology, but government support typically figures as a condition of expansion rather than as some...
what can i do im just what can you do what can you do about what can you doby she what candy is the mos what caused the stars what city is this what class what color is the sky what color is your mi what did you learn in what did you treat hi what discovered atoms what do i...
where heaves the turf where her cape of the where i need to be where ignorance is bl where in order to fur where in the where in the world where is everybody where is gate six where is my root where is sandy where is the ovine he where is your office where itll ends where id ...
(theoretical maximum is about 110MB/sec). When you have a cluster of servers passing massive amounts of data amongst themselves, 80MB/sec just doesn’t cut it. Which is why the servers have Infinband QDR (40Gbit interconnects), so they should be able to pass 3.5GB/sec (ish) between...
Mechanisms creating negative Pif Analysis of interstitial pressure and volume during lym- phatic failure draws data primarily from studies of the skin, as it is among the largest organ system of the body and is estimated to hold approximately 3 L of fluid, sec- ond only to skeletal muscle...
expected. Usually, in the campus interviews company advertise their Cost to Company (or CTC) and people mistake their salary to be based on that (CTC/12).Educated but have No Financial Educationis about the confusions of a new employee. Different types of salary and what they mean are ...
Dancers, have you ever found yourself standing on the sidelines for the first half of each song trying to figure out what dance is supposed to be done to...
'Let me get my ass kicked.' They understand that dog in me. I want to be out there."For most starters in 2022, the dog within is more Pomeranian than pit bull. This season, pitch counts for starters have cratered to an average of 84.4, 10 fewer than the sta...
The one that made you "fall in love" with programming. There are 300+ entries, many (most?) of which are duplicates. As with all Stack Overflow poll type Q&As, please make certain your answer is NOT listed already before adding a new answer - searching doesn't always find it (model ...