Bangladesh’s performance in this segment is not satisfactory to some of its contemporaries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan in the region [9]. However, standing on the conjunction where the country is graduating from the LDC countries list and taking several steps keeping in mind the SDG ...
Understanding the SDG framework and identifying its inconsistencies can help stakeholders prioritize the goals based on their interconnectedness and develop tools leading to improvements. Setting ambitious future goals to compensate for insufficient efforts in the present is a concept well understood in ...
Dr Galán-Muros said universities needed to adopt a sense of urgency. The 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is “around the corner”, she warned. “We know the problems. We have the SDG framework. Universities have huge potential to transform the world and to contrib...
The circular economy is an economic system where waste is designed out, everything is used at its highest possible value for as long as possible and natural systems are regenerated. At Circle Economy, our goal is to double global circularity in the next
way forward there is a need to make desalination technologies more affordable, i.e. increasing the viability of desalination for addressing sustainable development goal 6 (sdg-6: ensure access to water and sanitation for all). read more on sustainable development goals on the linked page. to...
The action plan supports IMO’s commitment to meeting the targets set in the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14) on the oceans. GloLitter Partnerships, a project between the Government of Norway, IMO and FAO is supporting developing countries, including Small Islands Developing ...
UNSustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12talks of the necessity to "ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns". Referring to discarded electronic devices, this means achievingecologically acceptable management throughout their life cycle,as well as reducing the release of poisons into the atmosph...
TheSustainable Development Goal 2(Zero Hunger) calls for the eradication of hunger by 2030. The objectives are to eradicate hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and advance sustainable agriculture. This is to ensure equitable access to adequate food and reduce the prevalence of hunger,...
(ie humanity to be sustainable would need to value on sme networks not big corporate nor big gov); final edition of 2025report is being updated - 1984's timelines foresaw need to prep for fall of brlin wall within a few months; purspoes of the 5 primary sdg markets were seen to be ...
is constructed as an individual and personal issue. The SDGs fail to address the underlying structural issues such as poverty reduction that need to be tackled in order to achieve the goals. As Gillian MacNaughton (2018) has argued in relation to SDG 10, although the goal addresses economic ...