Catfish farming is a significant industry in the Southern United States. 2 Dogfish Smaller, streamlined body adapted for swimming. Dogfish have a sleek body shape that aids in efficient movement through water. 2 Catfish Catfish (or catfishes; order Siluriformes or Nematognathi) are a diverse ...
Most ascidians are hermaphrodites (produce both eggs and sperm) and reproduce byexternal fertilisation (releasing eggs and sperm into the water). The free-swimming larva they produce are known as ascidian tadpoles. Are tunicates fish? A tunicate is amarine invertebrate animal, a member of the ...
AngelsharksFamilySquatinidaeNamedoesnot refertotheir behaviour,butto theirshape:flat bodywithhuge pectoralfinslooks likeangelwhen seenfromabove One(andonly one)ofthese speciesisnot calledangelshark, but“sanddevil” instead.Itsashy- greycolourmakes ...
with seaweed is similar between regions, predominantly displayed between the rostrum and dorsal fin. This behaviour may be playful but could also serve additional benefits in the context of learning and socializing, as well as ectoparasite removal and skin treatment by utilizing brown algae’s ...