MS是多发性硬化症Multiple Sclerosis的英文缩写, 但也是 左心房室(僧帽)瓣狭窄Mitral Stenosis.MS 也是 Microsoft, Master of Science etc HB 是hemoglobin 血红素
What does it mean when Urotoxin is suspected? : of or relating to the toxicity or the toxic constituents of urine. What does Adenosclerosis mean? Adenosclerosis (ad-eh-noh-skleh-ROH-sis) is the abnormal hardening of a gland (aden/o means gland, and -sclerosis means abnormal hardening)....
Glaucoma, and also known for controlling epileptic seizures, also for prevention of cancer, medical marijuana is also known for easing the pain of multiple sclerosis. Medical marijuana is also known for reduction of hepatitis C side effects. Medical marijuana improves metabolism and aides in weight ...
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal adult-onset motor neuron disease. The majority of the cases are sporadic; in fact, only 10% of ALS cases are inherited. There is no cure or treatment for ALS, and unfortunately, most ALS patients die after 3-5 years. ...
湖北省荆州市第三届人大常委会第八次会议听取和审议了市人民政府关于优化经济发展环境等工作情况的报告。在表决中,关于优化经济发展环境的报告未能通过。人大常委会否决政府的工作报告这在荆州市的历史上还是第一次。人大常委会否决政府的工作报告是在行使( )
963 google scholar crossref 51. paty dwli dkbubc ms/mri study group, ifnb multiple sclerosis study group, interferon beta-1b is effective in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, ii: mri analysis results of a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. neurology. 1993;...
What is subarticular sclerosis? What is the etiology of depression? What is behavioral neurology? What is behavioral teratology? What is a physiological disease? What is speech-language pathology? What is social gerontology? What is Bright's disease?
Condensing osteitis is marked by abnormal bone hardening (sclerosis). The bone hardening tends to be localized, rather than a widespread issue in the mouth.Inflammation and infectionsare thought to be the primary causes of condensing osteitis, which may be associated with other dental conditions. ...
Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price? This little known plugin reveals the answer. Angioplasty may be necessary to treat athersclerosis. If a plaque ruptures, it sets off a cascade of clotting in an attempt to repair the rupture to the artery wall. This can lead to a complete...
i suffer from the exact same situation. I get these really short non-painful stomach spasms, especially at night. They usually last for a few seconds but are frequent. It really makes it difficult to sleep at night when this occurs. Does anyone know what is causing this and what to do?