What is a vested stock? What is a certified copy of articles of incorporation? What is an easement in gross? What is tax liability? What is a trade license authority? What is content creation? What is scalping in trading? What is a waiver of subrogation?
I suspect it is because, just as their parents 25 years ago thought America was full of Comanches scalping stagecoach riders and Capone gangsters shooting passers-by on Chicago streets, Jagger and Cutler think San Francisco is the Hell’s Angels and the Pranksters since those are the ones who...
Prostitution unless spread by a criminal syndicate should not be criminalized but is in most all US states because we are a theocracy, not a democracy and have been controlled by religious tenets in blatant violation of our constitution (and it matters *not* that the silly word "God" appears...
I am quite curious as to what your goals are; some may not have even considered them fully. Have you given it a lot of thought, do you have specific road mark goals set out along the way, or are you purely in it for a large payday by scalping the market at the next ATH (All-T...