Detailed morphological studies were undertaken using an OLYMPUS SZX7 binocular on both living plants from wild populations and dried herbarium specimens sourced from the herbaria ABH, BM, BOL, G-DC, HBG, K, LINN, M, MA, MW, NBG, P, PRE, PRU, SBT, W, and WU (acronyms according to Thie...
Share on Facebook SBV Category filter: AcronymDefinition SBVState Bank of Vietnam SBVSchmallenberg Virus SBVSistema Bibliotecario del Vimercatese(Itay) SBVSemi Bonneted Van SBVSchweizerischer Baumeisterverband(German) SBVSint-Baafs-Vijve(Dutch: St. Bavo-Vijve; Belgium) ...
SBU South Bank University SBU Smart Backup Unit SBU Sequential Build up SBU Special Business Unit SBU Standard Build Unit (Linux from Scratch V6.1+) SBU Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care SBU Shahid Beheshti University (Teheran, Iran) SBU Sub Business Unit (various locations)...
In this paper, we have three main goals. First is to provide an overview of what the field knows about depression among youth, via Table1for depression risks across ecological levels and Table2for interventions. All of this knowledge is grounded in how depression as a construct is currently, ...
We show that a combination of both is needed, especially in taxa with few morphological characters, but high genetic diversity, like in Rhogostomidae. Based on the combination of morphological investigations and genetic analyses, we were able to identify reliable morphological traits differentiating ...