Yogapedia Explains Yuga Understanding which Yuga we are in and how each Yuga is different allows us to better understand the world around us and where we are heading. This makes it easier to face the physical and moral challenges of the current age. The Satya Yuga is a time of truth and...
The Sanskrit term, kali, has multiple meanings. It can be defined as "strife," "quarrel," "discord" or "conflict." It is also the name given to the Hindu goddess of time [and destruction thereof]. In chronological order, the yugas are: SatyaYuga – Also known asKritaYuga, this is ...
During the Satya Yuga (golden age), when man's spiritual, mental and physical health should reach its height, it is greatly helped by the fact that the colors are of a rich, strong tone. Whereas, in Kali Yuga (Dark Age), the same rainbow will be much less vibrant and more of a ...
(Web-page of pictures by Satyasundar Prabhu and Devaki Devi Dasi.) Audio. Sri Nityananda Prabhu's Festival, and Ashram Inauguration address. From his veranda in Kolkata this morning (7 February), Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj spoke live via the Internet to the assembly in ...