When a message is not understood or comprehended properly, the phrase “Say again (please)” is used instead of the colloquial “Pardon?” or “I am sorry?” Only specific usage of fixed terminology, like Distress, urgency or safety signals. MAYDAY, PAN PAN, etc. To supersede a message,...
When a message is not understood or comprehended properly, the phrase “Say again (please)” is used instead of the colloquial “Pardon?” or “I am sorry?” Only specific usage of fixed terminology, like Distress, urgency or safety signals. MAYDAY, PAN PAN, etc. To supersede a message,...
Improved the clarity of a metric in the Google Ads Advisor export. We were using incorrect terminology by labeling a header as "competitors that rank" when it should have been "competitors that buy this keyword." Resolved the issue in Top Pages where CSV and Google Sheet exports were omitting...
you’ll see how SweetProcess, a project management tool, is designed to make running your project easier with RACI. Say goodbye to project headaches and hello to smooth sailing with a clear and effective RACI chart!
These specialisations are analogous to how a prism splits white light into various individual colours, giving rise to the terminology “prismatic”, and depicted by this further diagram of Scholze: (And yes, Peter confirmed that he and Bhargav were inspired by the Dark Side of the Moon album...
The fact that English usage is messy, and has contributed to a use ofboatthat is somewhat vague, does not mean that there aren't settings where precision is called for. For instance, when you are sailing on someone else's vessel it is polite to always employ the correct terminology. And...
The precise terminology of the “Kakeya set conjecture” was likely introduced by Bourgain in the early 1990s. 5 1 Rate This Reply 4 March, 2025 at 5:43 pm Anonymous A noob passing by with a stupid question…. I’ve only been introduced to the ‘squeegee’ approach by Mathologer...
Gunwales or sometimes known as gunnels, are the top edge of the side of a boat. The term gunwales comes from where guns would be mounted along the “gun ridge” on sailing ships. This area was often reinforced to be really strong to hold guns. They are now even more strengthened to ...
This same phenomenon is why English is so full of sailing terminology today. English speakers were part of a culture where sailing was a prominent aspect of their lives. Great empires and great fortunes were made by means of sailing. “Try a new tack”, “feeling under the weather”, “gi...
Is "outer" used in sports terminology? Yes, "outer" is used in sports to describe the outer parts of a playing field or court, like the "outer bounds." 10 Does "outer" have a role in astronomy? In astronomy, "outer" describes objects located on the external part of the solar system...