4. If {eq}D=0{/eq} then the point {eq}(a,b){/eq} is neither maxima nor minima nor saddle point.Answer and Explanation: Given function is {eq}f(x,y) = 3 - 8x + 16y - 4x^{2} - 8y^{2} {/eq} and wew want to find its local minimum. It is...
Take the maximum of the minimum gains, i.e. the maximum of row minima (maximin), and the minimum of the maximum losses, i.e. the minimum of column maxima (minimax). If they are equal, you have a saddle point. Decision Analysis 1: Maximax, Maximin, Minimax Regret ...
What are all the values of the parameter c for which the function f(x,y)=x2+2xy+cy2 has a minimum value at point (0,0)?Relative Maxima and Minima:Given a function f(x, y) of two variables, we find its first-or...
Find the function's relative maxima, relative minima, and saddle points, if they exist. If an answer does not exist, put DNE. z 3 x 2 y 2 relative maximum The target position is equal to the [{Blank}]. Explain. a. Minimum, b. Government estimate...
The distance to a certain point is a convex function, and also is its square. This is easy enough to understand, and this is the most basic convex function in geometry tasks requiring convex optimization. In convex functions, any local minima/maxima is the same as the global minima/maxima....
Graph the equation Y=9+5X. Assume that Y is on the vertical axis, and X is on the horizontal axis. What is the slope of this function? Find the function's relative maxima, relative minima, and saddle points, if they exist. If an...
Given an explicitly defined real-value function, its critical points are points in its domain where its first derivative does not exist or the first derivative equals zero. The critical points are possible points of local maxima or minima for the functi...
Letf(x)=x−blnxforx>0. What are the critical points off? Classify these critical points as local maxima, local minima, or neither. The Second Derivative Test: Letfbe a differentiable function on the open interval(a,b), and letcbe a critical point offin th...
If f(x)= 12+2x^2-4x^4, use the second derivative test to identify the local maxima and minima. Use the second derivative test to find the function is concave up, concave down and any inflection points. f (x) = x^3 - 4...
(f) What is the probability of getting 50 heads and no tails? (g) Plot a graph of the probability of getting n heads, as a function of n.Explain qualitatively the phenomenon of interference of waves. What are the conditions for maxima and minima?