Unique in Eastern Orthodoxy as a form of out-of-the church religious service, the ‘walk of the cross’ (krestnyi khod) absorbed the ancient Russian traditions of ritual marches. In Russian, krestnyi khod (крестныйход, literally ‘the walk with the cross’) isn’t capitaliz...
–1.YaleRichmondandDuaneGoehner.“RussianOrthodoxy,”Russian/AmericanOrthodoxy,”contrasts,3December1997.http://www.goehner.com/russinfo.htm(15March2006)AvoidPlagiarism Toavoidplagiarizing,readtheoriginaltextseveraltimes.Thensettheoriginalpieceofwritingtooneside,andwritetheinformationoutinyourownwords.Ofcourse...
All of a sudden, my Russianness is in question. How Russian is one if he (she) didn’t live in Russia for eight years, but only occasionally visited for a few weeks at a time? Is there a time frame when you can be still traveling and Russian, but after a certain point of no re...
“It was always quite difficult for me to understand the meaning of the Russian word ‘toska’... The first association is with the Portuguese word ‘saudade’, but I think that the historical background of Russian people adds a different ‘color’ to this feeling. [It] could be interestin...
Tolstoy was brought up, as most Russians were and still are, as part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Russian Orthodoxy has existed for a long time, and currently has over 100 million adherents, primarily in Russia. Answer and Explanation: ...
SHOW NOTES: Is It Propaganda Or Not? The Enemy of My Enemy Sibel Edmonds Explains The Erdogan Takedown Eliot Higgins: I have no idea who these guys are! Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say ...
Even when their elders had finally given approval, Alix refused Nicholas's proposal because of her strong moral convictions: she did not want to convert from Lutheranism to Russian Orthodoxy. In the end, Alix's sister told her she could follow Russian Orthodoxy without leaving Lutheranism. ...
The Lord Jesus Christ has His longest, most serious, and most revealing conversation with the very last person one would think. It is not with His friends. It is not with His enemies. It is not even with His Holy Mother. It is with the most unlikely pers
“So”, says Dellar; “if you know that a Russian or Kazak speaker is going to do it in this way, [i.e., not “the English way”], those are the kinds of things you need to draw their attention to”. As for Dellar’s description of the four –“or maybe five” – steps ...
There is another version also connected with the conquest of the Kazan Khanate. The defeated ‘murzas’ (‘princes’), in the hope of preserving their wealth and getting closer to the royal court, tried to behave as modestly as possible and agreed to accept Orthodoxy. For this, they receive...