• Stability is important to prevent the product from User MIIIaNNNnu•aSSSl: TTwtMThAAaaeAnkpLLdeLoeLLsLwruiAAAenrergTTTc!thoIIIOOarOdt.NNtNhe product sho u l d not st and oPnage: 7 ww InstallationB12aIIInns..enRAffssoivosg!ttroltielIIaadiIoadnni,nwllnWlddllsslsssaariatryttasat...
Local governments can avoid catastrophes through their participation in efforts to build flood-proof roads, resilient water systems, more efficient electrical systems, enhanced waste recycling capacity, and other relevant conditions for DRR. In Chile, for example, risk reduction is part of the local ...
However, objective evaluation of viewers' visual attention is lacking in this context as well as emotional investigation. In addition, previous research showed how the manipulation of seemingly negligible details can yield dramatically different outcomes in the context of in-stream advertising. To extend...
Jobs requiring emotional labour have three elements: (a) intensive contact with the public; (b) the need to produce an emotional state in other people; (c) a set of explicit or implicit rules regarding the type of emotional display that is appropriate and inappropriate [21]. As the "...
Cyclophosphamide (CTX), one such alkylating agent, is commonly used in the treatment of many types of malignant tumors such as Hodgkin's disease and breast cancer [7,8]. In spite of many beneficial effects due Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17, 836; doi:10.3390/ijms17060836 www.mdpi.com/...
SA is also a critical signaling molecule for activating defense responses against pathogen infection. The first indication of the involvement of SA in pathogen responses was provided by White et al. [14]. They showed that the injection of SA into tobacco leaves led to pathogenesis-related (PR)...
Keywords: thermal comfort; human perception; indoor environmental quality; building energy use Citation: Clèries Tardío, E.; Ortiz, J.; Borghero, L.; Salom, J. What Is the Temperature Acceptance in Home-Office Households in the Winter? Buildings 2023, 13, 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ...
Paracetamol (PCM) has been extensively studied both individually and as part of co-crystal systems; it is known that PCM exists in three forms with the monoclinic Form I being the most thermodynamically stable. Two other, orthorhombic, metastable forms require more sophisticated growth conditions ...
This is done through an inductive, case study research program, focusing on sustainability-induced risks in value-added activities; i.e., production and delivery processes. This study contributes to the literature by identifying risk factors and consolidating them into core risk categories. Importantly...
There is considerable variation in the medical literature regarding technical approaches to SLNB in patients w(i2t)h bRreaadsitocpahnacrmera[c1e3u,t1i5ca].l properties • Choice of labeling agent: radioisotope and/or blue dye • Size of the radTioapbhlear1m. Taeccehuntiiccaall: Ffialt...